It's been a year and a half since the last content update, so apologies for that - while I'd done all the scanning back in 2014, it's taken until now to find a tiny window to format and upload them properly.
But all eight Mini Adventure Comics are now up for download, along with restored links to everything else on the blog!
I hope you enjoy reading or re-reading them - and I will remain forever curious for more information as to their creator and original publishing history. If anyone can enlighten me further - or you just want to reminisce about where you first picked them up - please do so in the comments below.
Thanks for sharing all of this information! In the interest of making the entries on these titles in my own database (at a bit less sketchy, would you object if I added copies of the cover images there? If that's okay with you, let me know how you'd like to be attributed. I can also link back to you if you like, though I've been hesitating to do so due to the legal grey area this site occupies; it's a shame the creator of the books remains elusive, as it would be really nice to be able to ask for permission to distribute them! Curse the "orphan works" dilemma! :-)
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to use whatever assets are available here - as you say, we're trapped in the orphan works dilemma, and I have no claim over the originating author's copyright, so no need for attribution. Always happy to help fill in another gap in our collective gamebook history, though - and maybe one day we'll be able to track him down!
ReplyDeleteHi Andrew. Thanks for all your hard work on these comics! I loved them as a child so great to stumble upon them on your blog.
ReplyDeleteFor #devtober this month I had a few weekends spare so I thought I'd have a bit of fun and make the first mini-comic into an interactive game on iPhone. It's almost done. Just need to tweaks a few bugs, and add a bit more polish. You can see a video here > ( It's a bit blurry! Was using an old webcam to film.
Not sure what I'm going to do with the game. Probably nothing :-D But I'm hoping you still check this blog, as I have a few questions about the comics flow that doesn't make sense, and maybe you can help out with!
Thanks, Jack
Hi Jack - sorry for the delay! The app looks brilliant! :D
DeleteHappy to help out with any questions if I can, though I'll need to re-read the comics, it's been a while since I scanned and put them up.
Luckily the mini comics are so short they only really have 4-5 loops/routes through them.
I imagine the critical paths for a full Legendmaker comic/four-issue arc would be a bit harder to code (what with the three potential characters and gold tracking on top, too).
But great job, and thanks for sharing!
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ReplyDeleteHello, I'm know I'm slightly late to this forum but, could you please post the links again? I'm desperate to read these little obscure hidden gems!!! 😊
ReplyDeleteHey, if you view the page as the web version, the links should all be functional in the sidebar on the right - I fixed them recently, so let me know if they're still not working!